Learning Effectiveness, Verbal, and Non-Verbal Intelligences of Expanded Students’ Grants-In-Aid Programfor Poverty Alleviation Grantees of the Nueva Vizcaya State University

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Jesusa V. Lorenzo-Naui


            The purpose of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of learning as well as the levels of verbal and non-verbal intelligences among recipients of grants from the Expanded Students' Grants-in-Aid Program for Poverty Alleviation (ESGP-PA) at Nueva Vizcaya State University's Bambang Campus. The purpose of this project was to lay the groundwork for the creation of a specialized learning aid program with the goal of improving the overall academic performance of the participants. In order to analyze the learning outcomes and intelligences of the grantees, the researchers used a mixed-methods approach in their research. Specifically, they used both qualitative and quantitative measurements. In order to acquire information about the academic accomplishments, progress, and perceptions of the participants' learning experiences, a questionnaire that had been properly created was distributed to them. In addition, both verbal and non-verbal intelligences of the participants were evaluated with the help of standardized tests and evaluations. Participants in the study were selected at random among grantees of the ESGP-PA and came from a variety of academic fields and year levels. The participants' progression and growth were tracked through the collection of data that took place over the course of one academic year. This provided the opportunity for a more in-depth analysis. According to the findings of the study, the academic success of the recipients of ESGP-PA grants was significantly improved as a result of participation in the learning support program that had been developed specifically for them. The participants' overall efficacy as learners significantly improved, as seen by higher grade point averages and improved academic achievements. This was proven by the participants' increased academic achievements. In addition, the investigation found that the participants possessed varied degrees of intelligence, both in terms of their verbal and non-verbal capabilities. The study was able to provide useful insights into the process of designing learning interventions and support for each participant based on the distinct requirements and strengths that each participant possessed by detecting individual variances in intelligence profiles. In conclusion, the findings of this research highlight the significance of personalized learning aid program as a means to improve the academic outcomes of students who come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. When educators and administrators have an understanding of the various intelligences that participants possess, they are able to design interventions that are tailored to the participants' individual capabilities. This results in an approach that is more effective and more specifically aimed at reducing poverty via education. The favorable results of this study can serve as a platform for future initiatives in creating fair and sustainable learning opportunities for disadvantaged students, which will contribute to the overall development of underprivileged students' academic performance as well as their future prospects.


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