Investigating the Influence of Work Conditions, Recognition, Monetary Incentives, and Job Security on Employee Motivation among Non-Academic Staff in Higher Education Institutions

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Zaimy Johana Johan, Nor Intan Adha Hafit, Azilah Anis, Zuhaina Mustapa


The higher education sector faces global challenges due to rapid technological advancements and increasing demands in today's world. Academic institutions must adapt and respond to these demands, similar to how business organizations do (Seonghee & Boryung, 2008; Hashim et al., 2019).

According to Galang (2010), higher education institutions (HEIs) have the potential to make a positive impact on society by training individuals, researching solutions to challenges, and influencing public policy. Quality higher education can significantly contribute to the cultural development of a country. Panda et al. (2019) further emphasized that universities and research centres are essential in creating and sharing scientific knowledge, which drives societal progress and development. HEIs can maximize their influence on the community and society as a whole (Kim & Ju, 2008).


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