A Sociological Study on Drug Addiction and Its Consequences Among the Rural Youths in Manipur.

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Yumnam Prashanta, S. Subramani


Northeastern Indian state of Manipur faces a serious and complex dilemma as a result of drug addiction among rural youth. Manipur is a border state to Myanmar which forms a part of the 'golden triangle' (Myanmar, Thailand and Laos) in terms of geographical location. Being a border state, Manipur has becoming a major transit point for drug trafficking. Drug usage has a devastating physical, psychological, and sociological impact on the vulnerable rural young population and continues to plague the area. Drug addiction has both short-term and immediate negative effects on one's physical and mental health, including an increased risk of overdose, cognitive decline, and mental health disorders. The present study aims to study the consequences of drug addiction among the rural youths in Imphal West, Manipur. The descriptive research design and snow ball sampling method were followed for this study. Statistical tools such as ‘Z’ test were used to check the level of significant difference between variables. The finding reveals that there is significant difference between various variables. The data were collected from 325 drug addicts. This research has shed light on the various danger of drug addiction among youths who are the future of the nation.


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