Exploring the Level of Implementation of Fiscal Operation and Management by Local Executives

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Gilbert Eustaquio


Local chief executives who have the proper qualifications, experience, and training are the most vital conditions for an effective leader on the local stage. Efficiency, effectiveness, qualifications, and experience are all very important. The inferential approach to research was used so that inferences could be drawn about the study and so that it could contribute to the process of answering the questions that were set in this. A study found  out that the availability of financial resources, the competence and capacity of local officials, the level of accountability and transparency in financial transactions, and the degree of political will to implement sound fiscal policies are some of the factors that can influence the level of implementation of fiscal operation and management by local executives. Other factors include the availability of financial resources, the competence and capacity of local officials, the level of accountability and transparency in financial transactions, and the degree of political will to implement sound fiscal policies. As a consequence of the development of cooperation between government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector in the province, the province has been successful in delivering services in an efficient and effective manner, which has resulted to favorable outcomes.


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