Man-Woman Relationship in Shashi Deshpande’s Roots and Shadows and Shobha De’s Socialite Evenings

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The relationship between man and woman has undergone tremendous changes throughout the ages. History shows that this relationship has been altered in many aspects. In the modern era women express their desire to be recognized as strong individuals. She is seen to consider her independence and her choices very seriously. Shashi Deshpande and Shobha De, in their novels Roots and Shadows and Socialite Evenings, express the rebellion and protest existing in man-woman relationship. Shashi Deshpande’s Roots and Shadows exposes the imbalance existing in the man-woman relation in the social institution called marriage. She raises her protest against the inequality present in man-woman relationship and tries to bring a balance between the two. Shobha De’s Socialite Evenings expresses women as sexually liberated individuals existing in man-woman relationship. They do not adhere to the social code of conduct assigned to them by the society. They design new ways and create new opportunities to fulfil their physical, emotional and psychological needs.


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