Marital Discord in Select Novels of Shashi Deshpande

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Marriage is a social institution which is defined by laws, culture and religion. It permits a man and a woman to live in an interpersonal relationship. In India, marriage is considered to be compulsory before pursuing any sexual activity. Sex plays a crucial role in holding the relationship together. The closeness experienced during monogamous sex helps to maintain a healthy level of intimacy, love and belonging, which human beings need naturally. Shashi Deshpande, an Indian novelist, regards marriage as a serious and pragmatic commitment. Her women protagonists often cross caste or religious boundaries in their attempt to find them a perfect partner. In their efforts, they find themselves entrapped in the roles assigned to them by society. The present paper attempts to study marital discord with reference to three novels of Shashi Deshpande namely, The Dark Holds No Terrors, Roots and Shadows and That Long Silence. Through her novels, she carefully expresses the frustration and disappointment of married women and their efforts to strike a balanced and mature relationship.



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