Performance Analysis of Polar decoders for 5G Technology

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TR Parthasarathy, N.R. Krishnamoorthy


The term "5G" refers to the next generation of mobile communication networks, which represents a significant advance in wireless communication. Much further advancements in mobile communications are made by 5G technologies. Recently, there has been much debate in academia and industry over potential channel coding methods for fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication systems. Among other codes, polar codes have caught researchers' interest due to their capacity-achieving qualities. The polar encoding system's fundamental operation, channel polarization, makes it possible to achieve channel capacity. In this research, we provide polar code encoding and decoding and analyze the performance of different decoders for short to intermediate information length polar codes. The Bit Error Rate (BER) and Frame Error Rate (FER) of the decoders for various bits are considered in the proposed research.


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