Operating Performance Of Select Leasing Companies

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P. Senthil Kumar, V. Balaji


In the recent economic scenario, the operating performance of every firm is significant.  Particularly, the firms contributing to the growth and development of other business firms like lease financing companies  need to perform better in order to support the other firms.  The operating performance of these companies has to be examined with a view to understand their ability to meet the requirements of the other firms.  However, the previous studies have least focused on the operating performance of the leasing companies in India.  The present study aims at measuring the operating performance of the selected leasing companies on the basis of multiple ranking measures like operating revenue, other income, total revenue and net profit.  For this purpose, the data relating to these companies for a period of 10 financial years from 2011-12 to 2020-21 have been obtained and analyzed using mean values and mean ranks.  The results of the study indicated that Bajaj Finance Limited was the best performer and the SREI Infra Finance was the least performer.


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