Bibliometric Analysis based on Scientific Mapping of Augmented Reality in Nursing

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Cristina Páez-Quinde, Ibeth Molina-Arcos, Jorge Cárdenas-Medina, Monserrath Feijoo-Muñoz


The present scientific article focuses on the bibliometric analysis of augmented reality implementation in the field of nursing. Using this methodology, relevant bibliographic data such as scientific articles, keywords, countries, institutions, and specialized journals is collected and examined to identify trends and research patterns related to the use of augmented reality in nursing. This analysis reveals a growing interest and attention in the utilization of augmented reality in nursing practice. There has been a consistent increase in scientific production over the years, indicating a greater exploration and application of this technology in the field of study. Furthermore, the results of the bibliometric analysis reveal the main thematic areas of research where augmented reality is applied, leading to the creation of innovative and cutting-edge lines of investigation. These areas include the training and education of nursing professionals, clinical simulation, improving accuracy in procedures and diagnoses, and enhancing communication and patient care. Additionally, this research facilitates the establishment of collaborative networks and fosters future joint investigations.


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