Educational Implications of Ibanag Life World in Afi Festival

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The Afi Festival is a culturally significant event that is celebrated by the Ibanag community, and this abstract presents a study that focuses on the educational consequences of introducing the Afi Festival into the curriculum. The festival is known as the Fire Festival. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possible advantages of culture-based education by investigating the role that the Afi Festival plays in fostering comprehensive educational opportunities for students. In this study, which makes use of a qualitative research design, the cultural characteristics of the festival, its historic practices and the relevance of those aspects to modern educational frameworks are investigated in depth. In-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis are the three components of the study technique that are used to capture the numerous aspects of the influence that the Afi Festival has on educational practices. In addition to this, the study investigates the points of view of the educators, students, and members of the community who participated in the preparation and celebration of the festival. According to the findings, including the Afi Festival in the educational program creates one-of-a-kind possibilities for experiential learning, advances cultural comprehension, and advances inclusive educational practices. Students have a deeper understanding for the significance of cultural variety and intercultural conversation when they participate in hands-on activities that give them first-hand knowledge of Ibanag traditions, heritage, and core beliefs. Students are instilled with a sense of pride and belonging through participation in the Afi Festival, which acts as a vehicle for the preservation of the cultural identity and heritage of the Ibanag community. Students are given the opportunity to enhance their critical thinking abilities and get a deeper knowledge of complex cultural dynamics through participation in the Afi Festival, which bridges the gap between what they study in the classroom and what they experience in the real world. The study argues in favor of education methods that are rooted in culture and that respect and include indigenous traditions while also fostering sustainable practices and environmental awareness. The research underscores the necessity of collaborative partnerships between educational institutions and local communities in the process of producing curricula that is culturally sensitive. This emphasis is placed on community participation. The findings of this study highlight the potentially game-changing effects that would result from incorporating the Afi Festival into the educational scene. Culture-based education provides the way for a learning environment that is more inclusive, enriching, and interrelated. This is accomplished through recognizing the significance of local knowledge and appreciating the diversity of cultural practices.



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