Construing The Personality Constructs and Work Values of The Administrators in The Higher Education Institutions

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The battle begins when an individual has made the decision to go into a certain working environment, and it lasts until the individual has reached the point when he may eventually retire from their chosen line of work. The primary objective of this research is to identify some personality constructs that are associated with different approaches to conflict management used by administrators working in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the province of Cagayan. The descriptive- correlational research design was utilized in the conduct of the investigation. The data suggest that a great number of the respondents have ESTJ (extrovert, sensing, thinking, judging) as their personality type, vary in the extent of use of authoritarian, democratic, and delegative leadership styles but democratic style as being frequently used, and always observe good work values specially on loyalty, justice, and orderliness. In terms of the respondents’ style of managing conflict, the findings reveal that majority of them are inclined at using self-disclosure which is, to honestly bare one’s thoughts, opinions, needs and concerns when faced with conflicts. Remarkably, the study revealed that leadership styles have statistically significant correlation with conflict management styles. From the findings of the study, it has been made abundantly clear, that the administrators possess the qualities that are very essential to the discharge of their duties and responsibilities.



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