Unveiling the Significance of Sustainability in Tourism: Environmental Conservation, Socioeconomic Development, and Destination Resilience

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Boscoo Ekka, Gaurav Das, Mohd Aarif, Ali Alalmai


Tourism sustainability has emerged as a crucial concern in the contemporary global context, with increasing recognition of its importance in the travel and tourism industry. This article aims to synthesize existing research, practices, and initiatives related to sustainable tourism. The primary objectives are to summarize the literature on sustainable tourism practices, identify challenges to achieving sustainability, evaluate the efficacy of current policies and initiatives, and explore emerging trends and future directions. Sustainable tourism seeks to satisfy the needs of present travelers and host communities while preserving resources for future generations. It emphasizes economic, social, and environmental considerations, striving for a balance among these factors. Key sustainable tourism principles include responsible resource use, preservation of cultural heritage, socioeconomic benefits for local communities, stakeholder involvement, impact monitoring, providing enriching experiences, promoting awareness, and establishing supportive policies. Successful case studies illustrate effective sustainable tourism practices. This review paper provides researchers, policymakers, industry practitioners, and stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of the current state of sustainability in tourism. By spotlighting key practices, challenges, and potential development avenues, it contributes to shaping a sustainable and responsible future for the tourism industry.



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