Effect of Online Promotion on the Development of the Retail Banking Industry

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Vineet Pathak, Anil kumar, Raji Rajan, Puran Singh, Shakti B. Dodiya


In recent years, technology has changed quickly and more people have started using the internet. This 
has caused the retail banking business to change in a big way. Online promotion has become a strong 
way for retail banks to reach more customers, keep them interested, and grow their business. The goal 
of this study is to find out how online advertising has affected the growth of the retail banking business. 
By giving personalized and interactive content, online promotion has made it easier for customers to 
get involved. This has led to more brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. Customers like how easy it 
is to do banking transactions and get services through online tools that are easy to use. Online 
promotion has been shown to be a cost-effective way to market, allowing retail banks to make the most 
of their marketing funds and get a better return on their investment. The study also shows that online 
promotion analytics have made it possible for retail banks to tailor their marketing strategies to specific 
groups of customers. This has led to more effective and targeted promotional efforts. The results show 
that retail banks that promote themselves online have a competitive edge because they can adapt to 
changing customer tastes and offer new digital banking services. But the study also shows that there 
are problems with data security and customer privacy that need to be fixed if online banking is to gain 
and keep customers' trust. This study shows that there is a strong link between online advertising and 
the growth of retail banking. Retail banks that use online marketing strategies carefully are more likely 
to do well in the digital age, grow in a sustainable way, and give their customers a better experience. 
The insights from this study are helpful for retail banks that want to take advantage of the potential of 
online advertising and keep up with the changing retail banking industry. 


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