The level of skills of teaching controversial issues among history teachers

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Heba Ali Hussein, Alaa Ibrahim Razouki


The aim of this research is to know the level of teaching skills of history teachers, and to achieve the research objective, the researcher applied the experiment to a sample of 40 teachers and schools by 23 teachers and 17 schools selected in a random manner from numerical schools.

In pursuit of the research's objectives, the researcher adopted a measure (Abdelwahab, 2001) of the skills of argumentative issues, a measure that measures the level of skills of argumentative issues. The measure consisted of 18 paragraphs, in which the researcher adopted five alternatives to the answer (applied to a very high degree, applied to a moderate degree, applied to a lesser degree, never applied). After applying the scale to the sample, the statistical analysis of the scale's vertebrae and the consistency of its vertebrae and the scale's cykometric properties was calculated from the sincerity and consistency.

The results of the study showed that teachers' low level of teacher skills in teaching controversial issues and the reason for the traditional training procedures was the lack of pre-service teacher training and the lack of teacher training programmes. The researcher therefore recommended that the teaching skills of polemical issues should be developed among history teachers.


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