Total Phenols, Flavonoids And Sterols Of Phlebodium Aureum (L.) J. Smith And Oeosporangium Viride (Forrsk.) Fraser-Jenk. & Pariyar Gametophytes And Sporophytes Ethanolic Extracts And Their Antioxidant And Toxicity
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Objective: The present study aimed to reveal the phenols, flavonoids, and sterols quantities of Phlebodium aureum (L.) J. Smith and Oeosporangium viride (Forrsk.) Fraser-Jenk. & Pariyar gametophyte and sporophyte ethanolic extracts and their antioxidant and cytotoxicity. Methods: Quantitative estimation of P. aureum and O. viride gametophyte and sporophyte ethanolic extracts was performed using the standard procedure. The scavenging properties of P. aureum and O. viride gametophyte and sporophyte ethanolic extracts were determined using DPPH. Cytotoxicity of P. aureum and O. viride gametophyte and sporophyte ethanolic extracts was determined using Brine Shrimp Lethal Bioassay. Results: Quantitative analysis confirmed the presence of phenol, flavonoid, and sterol in the gametophytes and sporophytes of P. aureum and O. viride. The phenol, flavonoid, and sterol content was highest in the gametophytes of the studied ferns. The highest antioxidant activity can be observed in the gametophytes of P. aureum ethanolic extracts with an IC50 value of 131.23 µg/ mL and followed by the sporophytes of P. aureum ethanolic extracts with an IC50 value of 724.63 µg/ mL.