Nexus: Connecting Hoomans

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Abhishek Malviya, Amit Kumar Tiwari, Prajjwal Srivastava, Sheetal Tiwari, Vaishnavi Srivastava, Waseem Ansari


In the ever-evolving modern society, the job market is characterized by intense competition across various professions. The pervasive influence of the Internet extends to all facets of human life, including social activities. To address the challenges faced by college graduates in securing employment after graduation and to align with the trends of societal development, a dedicated employment platform for students has been created. Nexus, an online website, serves as a comprehensive resource for both recruiters and students, facilitating the perfect match between aspiring professionals and their ideal employers based on their qualifications and personal interests. The primary objective of this platform is to enhance communication between employers and job seekers, leveraging the extensive use of social media for educational purposes. The anticipated outcomes of qualitative investigations are expected to provide valuable insights for future research endeavours. Additionally, these findings are projected to assist recruiters in effectively engaging talented students and encouraging them to leverage the Nexus platform to discover exceptional job opportunities. [1]


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