Multiple Levels of Security for ensuring secure storage of handwritten Documents (MLSD)

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Umadevi T P , Murugan A


In the recent times, there has been an enormous amount of increase in the content that is stored digitally. This storage of information possesses many advantages like reduced manual work, reduction in wastage etc. Though there are enormous benefits, there are some limitations like the security issue. The digitally stored data are vulnerable to a number of attacks. The integrity of the stored information cannot be guaranteed. Many of the handwritten documents are stored in the cloud and these documents often possess confidential or sensitive information. Researchers have worked and developed models that try to protect the digital information. The handwritten documents are one of the digital information that are stored. This paper proposes a MLSD model to protect the handwritten document by making use of cryptographic algorithms. To ensure the integrity of the document multiple levels of security has been used. The proposed system performs experimental analysis of 700 samples of students, which achieves 88%


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