Parental Involvement to The Full Implementation of In-Person Classes in The Division of Quezon: Basis for A Parental Support Program (PSP)

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Leodegario M. Jalos, Jr., EdD


This study describes the involvement of parents in the Division of Quezon in the full implementation of in-person classes. Details on their educational level, income, and employment status were gathered to describe their involvement on the implementation of full In-person classes. There were three hundred sixty-two (362) respondents purposively chosen in January to March of the school year 2022-2023. Questionnaire and Likert Scale were used to gather data that explain the present conditions and characteristics which were used in designing Parental Support Program (PSP) based on their roles and their relationship using SPSS. The study found out that majority of respondents’ educational status are up to the elementary level only, most of them were self-employed with a monthly family income is ₱ 11, 957 and below. Most of those who responded were from the urban area. This study concluded that parents ensure that their children attend school daily so they could not miss vital instructions and lessons. Likewise, parents perform their role as home-educators who set themselves as models to their children so they could bring and act right in the school. It was also found out that educational status, occupation and income have high significant correlation to their roles as partners of the schools, while place of residence had low but significant correlation.


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