Awareness of Working Teachers and Studying Girls at Higher Secondary level about Women Rights
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Girls studying at higher secondary level are the roots of a future family which will sustain the family tree. The role of female teachers working at higher secondary level remains significant to make strong these girls alike roots. The impact of female teachers’ point of view relating to awareness about rights of women can be visualized in the character of these girls. And, due to this, these girls can be aware about their rights in future. “Its’ not the duty of Government alone to take responsibility of female safety and respect entirely but it is required to every lady to be aware about her rights”1.
In present research paper, a study has been conducted to know the level of awareness about women rights of the working female teachers and girls studying at Government and non-Government higher secondary schools in rural and urban areas of Jaipur district. The researcher has used self-made awareness measurement for data collection. Statistical methods as mean, standard deviation and t-test etc have been performed to get results. In this research, awareness of urban female teachers and girls found comparatively higher than rural female teachers and girls about women rights.