A Study Relating to Cyber Crimes in India During Covid-19 and the Regulations

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Bhanu Gangwal, Prof. Mahesh Koolwal


Cybercrime has increased because of digitalization, particularly during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Between March and April of 2020, there was 86 percent increase in cybercrime in India. As the internet makes it possible for people to access everything, especially during and after the Pandemic, consumers are relying more on the internet for all their needs. Even though the internet has fundamentally altered our society, illegal access to information and harm remains. As a result, the most pressing issue of our time is ensuring the safety and security of information. Cases of cybercrime are rising at the same rate as the number of users, and there are no geographical or national boundaries to speak of. Additionally, it has a direct detrimental effect on people's social and economic lives, making it extremely concerning. The quantitative analysis of cybercrime cases in India's most vulnerable metropolises serves as the foundation for this study. This article analyses the numerous types of cybercrime that individuals are currently dealing with, focusing on the unique obstacles and issues that can be encountered, avoided, and remedied.


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