Development and Validation of Thinking Ability Scale

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Anita Chauhan, Poonam Mishra


Language teaching is called to be a foundation teaching because without learning the language effectively, the learner will not be able to learn and understand any subject. The second language also keeps the same importance because the knowledge is found in many languages and the second language plays a role in being a bridge to reach the knowledge available in other languages. In India and many other countries, the English language is taught as a second language (ESL) or a Foreign Language (EFL). English is accepted as the most spoken language around the world either as a first language as a second language or a foreign language. Teachers who are teaching English in India should competent to use it effectively otherwise the learners may not learn it as effectively as they need to be. We have developed an observation schedule for teachers who were teaching ESL or EFL in their respective classes. In this article, the procedure and steps of developing this observation schedule have been discussed.


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