Social Media’s Role in Youth Political Participation in India a Thematic Exportation

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P. Priyanand, K. Kottairajan


The paper examines the social media's significant role in shaping Indian youth's political engagement. It aims to comprehensively understand its efficacy, exploring objectives such as analyzing how social media influences political awareness, engagement, and voting behaviors among the youth. It identifies challenges and opportunities in shaping their political opinions while proposing effective strategies for enhancing their political participation. By examining case studies like Narendra Modi's 2014 campaign and the Aam Aadmi Party's success in Delhi elections, the study evaluates the utilization of platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, and YouTube to mobilize and engage the youth, ultimately reshaping India's political landscape. The findings provide invaluable insights into optimizing social media's role in bolstering youth involvement in the country's democratic processes.


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