Prevalence, Demographics, and Bacterial Susceptibility of Parasitic Gingivitis in Patient

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Mohammad Othman Alkurbi


Background and Aims: Gingivitis is a prevalent oral disease that can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. In this study, we aimed to investigate the prevalence, demographics, and bacterial susceptibility of parasitic gingivitis in patients from Hajjah, Yemen.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 500 patients with gingivitis from different regions of the Hajjah government of Yemen. Microscopic examination and bacterial culture were used to identify the parasitic and bacterial species associated with gingivitis. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed to determine the sensitivity, moderate responsiveness, and resistance of bacterial species to commonly used antibiotics.

Results: The study found a high prevalence of parasitic and bacterial infections in patients with gingivitis in Hajjah, Yemen. Entamoeba gingivalis was the most common parasitic organism detected, while Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia were the most common bacterial species found. The study revealed a strong association between the presence of these microorganisms and gingival inflammation. The study also identified a symbiotic relationship between the presence of the E. gingivalis parasite and certain bacterial species in the mouth. The study's results emphasize the need for effective prevention and treatment strategies to address parasitic gingivitis in different age groups.

Conclusion: The study provides valuable insights into the demographics, bacterial species, and antibiotic sensitivity involved in parasitic gingivitis, which can inform the development of effective prevention and treatment strategies for the disease. The high prevalence of E. gingivalis parasite infection found in the study emphasizes the need for effective prevention and treatment strategies to address this health concern. The study's findings highlight the importance of good oral hygiene, regular dental checkups, and appropriate periodontal treatment to prevent complications associated with parasitic and bacterial infections in patients with gingivitis. The results emphasize the critical role of antibiotic susceptibility testing in guiding the selection of the appropriate antibiotic and combating antibiotic resistance.


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