Empirical Analysis on Examining Talent Management Practices in Select Private Sector Banks with Reference to Vijayawada City

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Parvathaneni. Krishna Priya, Ch. Preethika, Sai Chand Narra, Shaik Arshad, Jahnavi Neelisetty, G. Sai Rohith


The workforce is always evolving, therefore talent management techniques must as well.  Attempts to mould employees to fit the needs of the business are certain to fail.  Workers are more critical than ever of their employers, but they remain emotionally invested in the company's success. Human resources may help the organisation advance in both the talent management and business realms if it adopts the tenets of that discipline and actively seeks out new methods and innovations. The term "Talent Management" refers to the process of maximising an organization's potential through maximising the contributions of its people. The idea goes beyond just hiring the best person for the job at the appropriate moment; it also encompasses discovering and cultivating workers' latent potential. To thrive in today's market and maintain a competitive edge, businesses of all sizes need access to top-tier talent. Because talent is the engine that propels a company to greater heights, it must never be sacrificed.


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