Reconstruction of Smart City: The Matrix a New Approach

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Ipseeta Nanda


In the notions of smart cities with the partial places where there are limited resources available globally, the intelligence of the systems is introduced. As a result, innovative information, and communication technologies (IICT) that are connected to business, markets, etc. are the primary cause of the emergence of smart cities. Smart city growth and development is centered on the need for technical advancement and improvement in connection with economic development. The development matrix models and implementation process are the main topics of this article. It creates a bridge between the component and the Matrix Format Designs (MFD) of the smart city by deeply integrating Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data (BD), and Cloud Computing (CC). To create a functioning smart city, numerous important technologies come together. It also considers what people need. The Smart City Matrix (SCM) offers a novel strategy and holds significant potential.


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