Role of Machine Learning Applications in Enhancing Cyber Security Effectiveness: An Empirical Study

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Parul Chaudhary, Rohit Sharma, Meena Rao, Mohit Tiwari,


In the modern era, the internet has become a necessary component of daily life. People use the internet 
more and more often in daily life all around the world. The likelihood of harmful attacks has also 
increased as a result of growing internet dependence. As a result of rising cyber security concerns, 
cyber security has become a critical component of the fight against all online threats, frauds, and 
assaults. As the internet expands, there is an increasing chance that you may be the target of ongoing 
cyber-attacks. In this digital era, machine-learning techniques are an essential tool for fending off threats 
from the internet. Various machine-learning techniques are used to identify the risk associated with 
cyber security. For creating a system that adapts to the data source, machine learning is a valuable 
method. Machine learning techniques may be used to classify hazards and identify compromised 
endpoints in order to handle massive volumes of data more successfully and precisely.


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