The Different Mathematical Parametres and Different Modeling

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Ochilova Laila Temirovna, Rajabova Lobar Choriyevna


this article discusses the features and trends of process of development and creation of a multi-functional electronic trading platform is aimed at efficient and profitable interaction of suppliers and buyers. Interaction takes place through electronic communication systems, so it is always operative and relevant. Electronic trading platform is a complex of information and modern technical solutions.There are several types of electronic trading platforms - for commercial customers, for placing government orders. The sites on which electronic transactions are performed by commercial customers are divided into specialized and multi-profile. Users, participants of the sites, held auctions and trades themselves can decide on which of the sites it is more convenient and profitable to work with. In addition, on a multiprofile resource the customer can act as a supplier, the seller - this is dependent on the scope of his activities, on the possibilities.


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