Rediscovering Women’s’ Voices: Examining Gender Roles in Philippine Historical Texts

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Alma Bangayan- Manera


This research digs into the historical writings of the Philippines with the purpose of illuminating the voices and experiences of women, which are all too frequently ignored in such investigations. The paper tries to unearth the tales and contributions of women throughout Philippine history by examining gender roles in these texts, ultimately posing a challenge to dominant patriarchal ideas. The study takes a qualitative approach to research and employs critical analysis of both primary and secondary sources in order to uncover the many different ways in which women were portrayed, the roles they played in society, and the obstacles they faced. In addition to the goal of correcting historical inaccuracies, the research makes a contribution to a deeper comprehension of the gender dynamics at play in the Philippines. Recognizing the agency and resiliency of women in defining the nation's past and present is one of the goals of this study, which was accomplished through the rediscovery of women's voices. The study calls for a more inclusive and complete approach to Philippine history. The findings of this research will serve as a basis for future scholarship, offering a platform for further exploration and amplification of women's perspectives within historical discourse. In the end, this research makes a contribution to the ongoing process of reevaluating and rebuilding historical narratives, which helps to ensure a more accurate and representative knowledge of gender roles and experiences throughout Philippine history.


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