Exploring the Level of Morale of Teachers in Public Basic Education Unit

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Josephine Domingo-Alejo


The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of morale among teachers working in public basic education units, with a particular emphasis on the factors that influence the level of job satisfaction and overall well-being that instructors experience. Understanding the morale of teachers is critical for establishing a pleasant and conducive learning environment. The teaching profession plays a crucial role in shaping the future of societies, and this understanding is essential for the teaching profession. Employing a mixed-methods research design, a structured questionnaire will be used to collect quantitative data in order to measure teachers' perceptions of their morale, job satisfaction, and factors such as rapport with administrators and colleagues, salary, workload, curriculum issues, teacher status, community support, school facilities, and community pressures. In order to measure teachers' perceptions of their morale, job satisfaction, and factors such as rapport with administrators and colleagues. The findings of this study will contribute to the existing body of information on teacher morale and provide helpful recommendations for establishing a supportive and uplifting work environment for educators working in public basic education units. These findings were expected to contribute to the body of knowledge on teacher morale. In the end, the purpose of the study is to advocate for policies and practices that put the well-being of teachers as a priority. This is done in recognition of the substantial impact teachers have on the educational system as a whole as well as the future of society.


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